Saturday, 19 July 2014


It's difficult to know whether I should publish this post or not. For one, it seems too soon and for another I don't want to seem disrespectful; but here it goes...

On Thursday, the 17th July, I watched as a 15 year old, Joon Kyu Kim, a young boy, took his life. His young, still so much to be fulfilled life. He jumped from the top floor of the Bental Centre, wearing his school uniform. He didn't scream. It was an eerie silence & for the split 5 seconds he was in the air, right by my kiosk where I work, he was peaceful. His worries had gone. He was flying... and then he fell. And the peace was no more.

The sound of his body landing, and the sight of him falling is something I will take a long time to recover from. But what I am really struggling to come to terms with is the fact he was in such a troubled place in his heart and mind that he needed to do that. What I'm really struggling with is the family he's left behind. I don't know his life story, I don't know if he had a mental illness. I don't know if he was bullied at school, I don't know if one of his parents had a long term illness that he was a carer for & it all became too much. I don't know if he had just received some sad news. All I know is, he had had enough of this life.This life, that can cause everyone so much sadness to people. This life where people can feel rejected, and depressed and unloved. Where we see rain more than we see sunshine, where we are stuck in jobs that are unfulfilling, where our families constantly argue.

But life can also be a beautiful, glorious thing. Where people fall in love, where new life is given when babies are born, when someone gets a new job, When you graduate from university, When you are on holiday, even the stunning nature of this World.

As Joon Kyu Kim fell, the one thing I wanted to scream out to him was "BUT YOU ARE LOVED"

One thing I now more than ever want people to know is that they are loved. Maybe not in the way they want to be loved, maybe not by the person they want to be loved by, but a love so much bigger and more powerful than all those things, that they may at times not to be able to comprehend it. They are loved by The Lord Jesus Christ, who created them who formed them in their mothers wombs, who placed them on this earth for a reason and a purpose; and who then sent his son to die for them so that they wouldn't ever have to die.
 For those of you reading this, and who don't believe in God you will probably question me saying "If God was an all loving God, then why did he let Joon Kyu take his life?" "Why did he let you witness this and cause you mental trauma?"
Let me tell you, even as a Christian myself I asked this question the moment it happened. I wanted to scream out "WHY GOD WHY!" But I don't have an answer. All I know is, is that God never lets anything happen without reasoning, and that he is a fair & loving God; and he works in mysterious ways.

Please, never take life for granted. Please, try and be loving and show kindness to everyone you meet. Please don't reject, and put down and hate people. You never know the battles people are fighting on the inside.

*If you have been affected by anything I've written today please call The Samaritans, a 24/7 counselling helpline.