Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Australian adventure; let go

I was thinking today about the subject of letting go. I know many people who need to let go of something- myself included. Letting go doesn't have to be about a relationship. It can be about a friendship, letting go of waiting for an apology you are never going to get, letting go of that goal you have worked so hard towards and the door is obviously shut for you, yet you keep pushing it and keep getting hurt because its not meant to be. (Some of you may disagree with me here) 

Letting go is like having a tooth pulled out. When the tooth is pulled out, you feel relieved, yet how many times will your tongue run over the gap where the tooth used to be? Probably more than 100. Just because it wasn't hurting doesn't mean you don't notice it. It leaves a gap, and sometimes you find yourself missing it terribly. It's going to take a while, it will take time. But should you have kept that tooth? No! It was causing you too much pain. Therefore move on. And let it go.

I know, easier said than done. It's only being here, away from the hustle and bustle of London, the constant keeping myself busy, that I have looked out to the beautiful sea and just let go...  I recommend it, it's good for the soul.

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